Left Hand Path roots

The Left Hand Path is often associated to Satanism. However the roots and origin of it go back to India.

In indian rituals the men sat on the right and the women set on the Left.

in time Left Hand Path was associated with Dark Female Energy.

The Left Hand Path was a form of Tantra, which was often about Taboo breaking in culture.

The Aghoris for example would use cannabilism as an Taboo breaking practice.

Other Left Hand Path Tantra included covering oneself in ash and meditating whilst sitting on dead bodies.

Just before the time of the imperial Raj from England their was an group called Thuggee, they would practice a form of Tantra where the Thuggee would kill random people without any emotion. in cold blood. The Raja were disgusted at this practice and out lawed the Thuggee practioners. The word Thug comes from Thuggee.

The Left Hand Path practioner is beyond Good and Evil.

So these are the origins of the Left Hand Path which in time would become associated with Western Satanism.

Hail Satans, Hail Thyself

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